Savory pies in New Zealand are a part of everyday life, like two dollar slices in New York or tacos in LA.
They're advertised here outside the 4-Square Supermarket in suburban Cromwell, where I'm living with my sis. Pies aren't just for grabbing on-the-go though, they're also fare for home-cooking, especially when you're feeding a hardworking farmer. Here, Sara shows us how it's done with some leftover chicken.
That's our Grandma Rose's rolling pin. She did her fair share of cooking for farmers in her day too.
Just wait till it's baked...
We ran out of pastry to completely cover the top...
It didn't seem to bother Bella. Here she is grubbing in her wetsuit after we worked up an appetite in the lake down the street.
Us big kids got chard, arugula (here they call it "rocket") and beets from the backyard with our pie. Soon the chickens will be from the yard too. Doug's Christmas present for Sara is a Chook-House ("chook" is Kiwi for chicken) that he's building with recycled materials from his builder buddies. More on that to come...
Here's the view out my bedroom window at 10:30 at night. Those "Endless Summer" guys were really onto something.
When I was a little kid and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I took the question quite literally and replied, "a bird." I liked the idea of flying over the ocean to secluded rocky beaches.
As for this blog, like Jack Kerouac said, in his introduction to Lonesome Traveler: "Its scope and purpose is simply poetry, or, natural description."
My nickname when I was small was Jaybird--not because of my globe-trotting ambitions, but because I squawked a lot. So maybe this is just a form of online squawking.
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