Wednesday, December 26, 2007

babies and doggies

When my niece, Bella, was tiny we couldn't leave the house without Baby or Doggie--neither of whom was actually a baby or a doggie. Baby is the name of Bella's mangy green blanket and doggie is actually a stuffed leopard. Funny that babies and doggies were comforting to her at such a young age cause it actually doesn't change. My friend Josh Amos still looks up funny videos of puppies and babies on YouTube when he's feeling down. It feels good to be here surrounded by babies and doggies--specifically these four guys you see below.

Bella, my niece, 2 1/2 years old

Maizie, my niece, 9 months old

Lucy, Bella and Maizie's dog

Snoop, our friend Skinner's dog, is staying with us while Skinner is away for Christmas

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